Saturday, February 21, 2009


I haven’t blogged in a while, life’s been a bit too consuming. But, I’m ready to get back into it and armed with a bee in my bonnet.
Ok, yesterday my son tells me the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has banned the teaching of creationism as a theory.
Whoa Back!
Now you may assume I’m outraged as a Christian, but I’m not. I’m outraged as a scientist.
The ‘state’ is now dictating what can and cannot be taught as a theory????? To explore all possibilities is the very essence of science. Science has no boundaries to its theories. All is fair game. How can children learn what pure science is, if the state mandates what can and cannot be discussed in the classroom?
A 2005 CBS poll stated 51% of Americans believe in Intelligent Design. So, half the population believes a thing to be true and yet it isn’t even allowed to be presented as a theory in the classroom???? What the heck is up with that?
The very essence of Science is questioning. That is what drew me to the discipline in the first place. There are no boxes in Scientific Theory. That is the place for imaginations to run completely wild. What if the world isn’t flat? What if the sun doesn’t move around the world? What if people really don’t care what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are up to? Theory is the place for us to wonder, ponder and propose.
Now, that is being stifled.
The people who should be the most vocal about this restriction aren’t the Christians; it should be the Scientists.
What theory will it be next?
Come on people, this is the 21 Century!! What are we doing banning the teaching of theories? I don’t care if my kids are taught that some have a theory the earth was created by Smurfs. As long as it is presented as a theory and time is spent looking into the validity of it.
Science, the last great frontier…. Not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely agree sister! It is absurd that people who consider themselves "educators" would ban the teaching of any theory in the classroom. However, it doesn't surprise me. Since the passing of NCLB, especially, creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking skills have gone out the window in America's schools; replaced by kill-n-drill sessions focused on raising test scores. Our education system is a joke and it's getting worse. The system is only half the problem. Don't even get me started on the trash out there that's allowed to produce offspring and then accept no responsibility for raising them appropriately and instilling an appreciation for not the education system, but the love of learning. How happy I am I haven't brought children onto this planet! It's going to Hell.